Do I need a permit for electrical work to be done in my home?

The short answer is yes, in B.C. all electrical work done in your home needs to be done with an electrical permit from Technical Safety BC. 

What is an electrical permit?

An electrical permit is a document and inspection that goes along with the electrical work being done in your home. It ensures that the electrical work being done is inspected by a 3rd party for compliance and safety and it documents the work that was completed for home insurance purposes. 

Types of electrical permits

There are two types of electrical permits:

  • Homeowners Electrical Permit: This is for anyone who wants to do their own electrical work. According to Technical Safety BC, even changing a light fixture needs to be done under a electrical permit, so any electrical work being done on your home requires a permit. 
  • Contractors Electrical Permit: If you hire a qualified electrician this is the permit they will apply for, they will do it on your behalf. A contractors electrical permit will be required for any electrical work being done on your home except changing light fixtures and devices (outlets/switches/etc).

If you are hiring a professional, qualified electrician to do work on your home make sure they have applied for a permit for your home. You can check if they have pulled a permit for your home here.

Do I need a permit for electrical work to be done in my home image

Who inspects the electrical?

Electrical permits in B.C. are managed by a company called Technical Safety BC. Often confused as a city or government organization, Technical Safety BC is a private organization that has gained approval to govern and inspect electrical installations. 

When a permit is pulled on your home Technical Safety BC is responsible for inspecting and signing off on the work as safe. When the work is complete the electrician will apply for the inspection and submit photos of the work, sometimes the electrical inspector will visit your home to look over the work but in most cases they will inspect the photos. 

Check out everything there is to know about Technical Safety BC on their website here.

What happens if I don’t get an electrical permit?

Honestly, we don’t really know what happens if you do not get an electrical permit for your home. But here is what Technical Safety BC states.

“Permits are a legal requirement in BC and often necessary for home insurance purposes. They give Technical Safety BC data and information to help with safety oversight in the province – your permit allows us to contact you or warn others of trends in unsafe work or hazards that may lead to an incident. Failure to obtain a permit where one is needed may result in enforcement action by Technical Safety BC.”

How do I know my electrician has pulled an electrical permit for my home?

The best way to make sure there is a proper electrical permit in place for your home renovation is to call Technical Safety BC at:

1 (866) 566-7233

And as always you are welcome to reach out to us here if you have any questions.

A good way to make sure you hire an electrical company that is going to pull the proper permits for the work on your home is to hire a quality, safety minded company. Check out our article on How to hire an electrician. 6 Best Things To Look For here.

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